Webinar Marketing – 4 key lessons to apply to your next webinar
Webinar Marketing – 4 key lessons to apply to your next webinar
Over the past couple of years, webinar marketing has become hugely popular in both delivering group programmes and as promotion strategies to generate new leads.
Webinars are time efficient and because webinar marketing tech has become so much accessible, it’s much easier and cheaper for coaches, work from home consultants and small business owners to embrace this virtual world.
And who doesn’t love the thought of talking business with your slippers on?
But getting your webinar marketing working is still seen as a huge project to take on by most people. It’s really easy to give up before you really get going after you try one out and feel demotivated by only having a handful of people register … and one of them is your Mum.
I take a small group of students through my programme, Webinar Funnel Mastery, 2 or 3 times a year so I know how tough it can be to get webinars up and running, which is why I wanted to share with you my 4 key lessons of webinar marketing.
Plus give you some working examples of the wonderful webinar marketing that happened during our last Webinar Funnel Mastery programme (you never know … there may be a topic that inspires you in taking action on your own webinar event!)
But before I share the webinar links with you, here are my 4 key lessons on webinar marketing.
Key Lesson Number One: Don’t call it a webinar
I know it’s a webinar. You know it’s a webinar. You’re using a webinar tool to deliver the session. But your audience probably won’t have any idea what a webinar is.
And if they have heard the term before, you have no idea what ideas come to their mind when they see the word. For example, if they work in a large organisation a webinar may remind them of long, drawn out, boring meetings where they spend more time checking their FB feed as no one can actually see them. Not exactly the event you were hoping to present,
Love this take on conference call meetings:
So just because it is a webinar you are running, think about all the other words you can use to describe it: masterclass, live online training, presentation, skills session, workshop, seminar.
Key Lesson Number 2: Don’t over deliver and under sell
The 2 classic mistakes that most people make with the actual content of the webinars is that you go into over delivery mode and then you hate to sell so finish your webinar off like a damp firework.
The over deliverers in you just want to please. I get that you don’t want people to be put off by a potential offer. You want to create great content. But over compensating means that you share, share, share and what happens is this.
First, your audience feels overwhelmed by all the stuff you’ve shared and rather than take action, they shake their head and put off making a decision to change to another day (and thus can’t even think about making a decision on your offer).
And then second, when you do make your offer after you’ve been in that share, share, share mode, you don’t leave yourself enough time to do the offer any justice. You run out of time and squeeze in your offer into the last 2 minutes just before the Q&A session at the end.
There is a sequence and a flow to a webinar presentation that not only gives great value but also presents your offer in a consultative way; not in a hurried, pitchy one. There’s actually 7 sections to a one hour webinar that I teach in Webinar Funnel Mastery and the actual content takes up no more than 20 – 30 minutes max.
So remember to give yourself plenty time at the start to position yourself and what it is you are sharing, as well as plenty of time at the end to present your offer and run the Q&A section. When framed right, both front and back end sessions can be incredibly educational and inspiring for your audience. You don’t need to be in share, share, share mode the whole way through.
Key Lesson Number 3: Pre-engagement is key
Where I see a lot of people miss out on is the engagement running up to the event. There’s so much focus on getting registrations; running FB ads, email promotions to your list, bringing in joint venture partners. And yet, getting people to register is only part of the process.
It’s too easy for interested people in your webinar to drop out or not show up on the day. And yes, you can deliver a recording but people who show up live are statistically more likely to take action than those who wait for the playback. The “some day” folder just doesn’t give the best results for you.
There’s plenty I share with my students but here’s one key lesson for you to take away and put into action.
Use your phone camera and record a message for everyone who registers.
A simple 60 second video of you sitting on your sofa or at your desk (no high tech editing needed here – just be you) telling the person why they’ve made a great decision to register and give them 1 or 2 compelling reasons why they need to turn up live, can make a real difference to attendance motivation.
The more your audience can know and like you before they get on the webinar with you, the more likely they are to trust you when you start to teach and present your offer.
Know, like and trust … in that order!
Key Lesson Number 4: Copy is everything
One of my students going through Webinar Funnel Mastery admitted to me this week that she had no idea how many steps there were to creating strong webinar marketing copy. When she realised the detail I show my students on creating webinar topic headlines and bullet points for the copy, she could see why she was struggling to get her webinars going up until now.
Rushing through the copywriting process or staying confused about what your target audience *really* want to hear and read is going to be a disservice to you.
First you need (and this is compulsory, by the way) to be exactly clear on who it is you want on the webinar. And I don’t mean finding a group of people you want to reach out to. I want you to be specific … identify one person and get clear on their story around the problem you know you can solve.
The more specific you can make your copy to that one person, the more likely you will get results.
Second you need to dig deep on what their heaven and hell is; what pain and pleasure do they have around the problem you are focusing on. What will happen when they find a solution to their problem? What will happen if they never do?
Use these heaven and hell points in your headline and bullets and they will sing out like a tuneful fog horn.
And believe me, you need to be heard in the busyness of business today.
So, there you have it. 4 key lessons to get your webinar marketing fine tuned and working better for you. If you are serious about webinar marketing and you’d like to get on the waiting list for the next Webinar Funnel Mastery course, click here and leave your name and contact details.
For now, I’ll leave you with some fabulous examples of some of my students’ webinar marketing campaigns; hopefully they inspire you to have a go yourself.
Webinar marketing in action – Introducing you to the Webinar Funnel Mastery students
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Shelley Hutchinson
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Julie Dennis, The Menopause Coach
hi, I’m Julie and I’ll be sharing how you can get control of your body and stop your hot flushes without having to resort to HRT. Just like I’ve done. I’ll also teach you the ninja mindset trick to stop a hot flush in seconds that your doctor doesn’t know about. https://juliedennis.leadpages.co/hot-flushes/