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Rediscover Your Mojo

Ignite Your Profit Potential

Is it time to lift your head up from your never ending to-do list?

If you’re done with fire fighting and you want to up level fast, then you are in the right place.

Karen’s 6 week coaching programme is the catalyst for your business

An intensive boost of one-to-one coaching to get you and your business aligned with who you are, your values and your health and wellbeing; expand your thinking, see the opportunities for growth and then get the practical, down-to-earth advice to make it happen.

“If you want to make a bigger impact, feel more energised and get paid what you are worth, then it’s time to take a breath and ignite your bigger dreams.”

Karen Skidmore

What got you here, is not going to get you there

Whatever path you’ve taken already and whatever success you’ve had so far, what you need to take for your next stage in your business growth is probably different. At every stage of your business growth, you need to adjust, refresh and sometimes knock a few things down in order to rebuild a bigger, better and more fun version of what you want.

Many people I work with are creatives which means they are NOT short of an idea or two. But here lies a big problem. With so many ideas, it’s hard to work out which one is the best one to work on next. And then if you ever do decide, your tendency to over engineer will have you dragged down into the detail (and often a lot of tech!) and your energy to follow through often runs out before you complete.

And if you have been trying to follow someone else’s marketing systems or business model, it’s frustrating when you don’t get the results that you expect. The reality is that you may be driving the wrong business!

Design your business to work FOR you

This powerful coaching programme will quickly help you see where your leverage points and bottlenecks are, identify where your profit potential is and give you a plan that you can implement for the time, energy and resources available to you right now. 

Working with me will speed up your progress as I will quickly advise you what systems, processes and team will work for the time, money and energy flow you want your business to give you. I don’t give you a cookie-cutter template; you get a bespoke plan and framework that works FOR you.

Let’s do this!

Here’s what you get with The Catalyst Coaching Programme

  • 6 weeks of my focused time and attention, including email support and any marketing copy reviews needed
  • 3 x 60 minute sessions via zoom
  • Access to our two foundational business & marketing programmes – GID School & Your Best Client – which will give practical ‘how-to’ modules to work through between our sessions

Call #1

Identify Your True Profit Potential

In this first session, you will get clear on what it is your business needs to do for you, and identify where your opportunities are to get you the best results for the money, time & impact you want. And yes, you may find that this is far simpler that you every imagined!

Call #2

Decide On Your Business Model

This second session is designed to map out the pricing framework, systems and processes that will support the growth you want. You will get clear on what building blocks you may need to put in place over the next few months, including the right team structure and tech (plus the tech you don’t!).

Call #3

Plan Out Your Marketing Strategy & Campaigns

Behind every successful business is a solid foundation of lead generation, conversion and delivery systems and we will have these worked for you so you can focus on selling the right things to the right people at the right time.

Your Investment

£995 +VAT

Click the button and complete the enquiry form to take the first step. As soon as we’ve received your answers Alexia, my assistant, will contact you and walk you through the next steps and answer any questions you may have.

Want to talk through your options before you get started?

Why I do what I do …

I know that most business owners are burning out, trying to drive their businesses forward. They are often time-poor and feel misaligned with their current business; chasing the wrong goals and using overcomplicated marketing tactics. They may look successful on the outside but inside, they are exhausted and getting to the point that they want to give up.

I’ve run my own coaching and consulting company since 2004. After an 11-year career with Hays Plc, my children were approaching school age and I wanted a more flexible and fulfilling professional career. Within 6 months of starting up, I was awarded European Social Funds for my Women’s Enterprise Programme and Simply Marketing Workshops, which was instrumental in helping hundreds of women start up their own businesses across Surrey & Sussex. I founded a regional women’s networking group in 2005, created & ran a 100+ membership site for 3 years and launched dozens of online courses and group programmes over the past 13 years.

But in 2012, struggling with adrenal fatigue and hormonal imbalances, I was burnt out from constantly launching new programmes. I wanted to play bigger but knew it was no longer a case of “work harder”.  I am now proudly running a profitable coaching business that not only gives me the profit that I want, but gives me the time and simplicity that I’ve always wanted. This is the work that I do with with my clients now; to find their unique path to success by creating a strategy and framework that works FOR them.

Catherine, Leadership and Transition Coach

I have gone from standing start to solvent. This is no longer a hobby. My business is now what I do and who I am, and I am taking ownership of it.

What’s really worked for me has been focused on the initial setup of the business; key things such as being revenue generating, focusing on what I needed to do to get clients to get my business going, as well as working on my marketing systems.

As a result, I feel in control. I have clarity and the professionalism in the way I am presenting myself and I’m now getting things done that have meant clients and contracts have come in.

Rosie's Success Story

Rosie Letts, Nutritional Therapist

“What’s really interesting is that I am now getting LESS enquiries than I did before joining GID School but as almost 100% of people contacting me for a consultation are now saying YES to my newly priced programmes, my business is better than ever.”

Pennie's Success Story

Pennie Pearce, founder of Acorn To Oak

“Once you have a good foundation in place for your business, you can fly. But without that structure, you risk toppling your oak when the winds of change shift."

Jen's Success Story

Dr Jen Nash, Sussex, UK

“I immediately had that gut feeling that it was the right thing for me to work with Karen.  She’s honest and pushes me out of my comfort zone to do the things that have made my business the success I only hoped it could me.”

Tone's Success Story

Tone Tellesfen Hughes, Luck Yard's Clinic

“Karen has inspired me to be the leader that I am and it’s through her, that I’ve now got the confidence to help others achieve what I’ve created at Luck Yard’s Clinic.”

Adele's Success Story

Adele Stickland, Get Gorgeous

“Karen’s strategy and process has come from a holistic and universal view, which I love. Although I am obviously selling my courses, it doesn’t feel salesy and Karen’s teachings and support have helped me make webinars a critical part of my future business success.”

Gave me focus on what matters

“As a creative person who is motivated by action rather than committing to a strategic vision, working with Karen and using this planning process of hers was the most productive I’ve been in years. Karen’s planning process helped me focus on what matters right now versus having a massive list of stuff that makes me feel so overwhelmed I get nothing done.”

Helen Evans

Spiritual coach & fingerprint analyst

I worked with Karen Skidmore to help me create a successful and profitable web business, with as many tasks as possible automated. Her skill in breaking down what seems to be a rather daunting task into extremely manageable bite-size chunks. As a result, you finish the session confident that it’s all very manageable.

Mary Waring

Wealth For Women

Karen has given me a broader mindset and got under the skin of why I wasn’t doing some of the bigger things I knew I was professionally capable of.

“Having Karen show me how to plan and then support me in the implementation of it has been brilliant. Karen gives a good balance of feeling pushed, of feeling you have a plan but still having that supportive hand on your back.”

Charlotte Cox

Consumer brand marketer, SUN Brand Consultancy

© Karen Skidmore Ltd | +44 (0) 1428 607745

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