Lois Dabrowski, Specialist in Marketing to HR
Momentum is the engine behind my revenue growth
Success Highlights:
- Best revenue quarter ever experienced
- Momentum has taken the business to the next level
- Shift from generic marketing consultant to specialist in-depth content creator
- Leaped forward on quality projects rather than inching forward on lots of projects

“Being part of Momentum has shown me to lift my head up from the day-to-day doing and keep my eye on the bigger picture. I know now what I want to be and what I stand for. It sounds so simple but it’s hugely powerful.”
How was business for you before you started working in the Momentum programme?
I had an established business before I joined Momentum, and while I had clients, I found I focused on their businesses rather than developing my own. I had a vision about my own business and how I could add greater value to my clients, but never seemed to have the time to implement it. Joining Momentum was about taking my business to the next level.
What was the key reason you decided Momentum was the right programme for you to join?
I’d been a follower of Karen’s for years and attended one of her events just at the time I was starting to rethink how I worked. I had been waiting in the wings, consuming Karen’s newsletters and joining her webinars, and, learning more about her and her team’s approach at that event convinced me that Momentum’s structure, accountability, and support were what I needed.
What are the key things have you worked on during your time in Momentum that has made a difference to you and your business?
I work with businesses that sell their services to HR leaders and, while my ideal client has remained the same, Momentum has helped me to recognise what I most enjoy, where my point of difference is, and the areas in which I add the most value. I have shifted away from promoting myself as a generic marketing consultant and towards a content creator around more in-depth and research-based reports and white papers. As such, I have seen the strongest revenue year since being in business. Momentum really has taken me to the next level.
What is it like working with Karen and her team?
They know their stuff and willingly share it across the group, and they also instinctively know when to push and when not to. The coaching team recognise that each member is following their own plan. For me, they lightened the load and gave me ‘permission’ not to get sucked into some of the marketing tactics that abound. They give you the space to have ideas, chew them over, have doubts, and work through them. And, when achievements happen, they celebrate alongside you.
What words of wisdom would you offer others who were thinking of joining Momentum?
Do not underestimate the power of the simplicity of Momentum and its structure. Join the pod calls and show up; you’ll always gain new learning, insight, or tip from the team or another Momentum member. The structure is remarkable; so simple but hugely powerful.