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Want to check out more of my content? Then feel free to dive into one my blog posts below.

Dive into some of my recent blog posts …
Resisting Rest – why we don’t rest even when we know it’s what we need
I'm feet up, watching Netflix, and when I hear the sound of my husband’s car on the driveway, I jump up and switch the TV off. I was exhausted, feeling like an extra on The Walking Dead. I hadn’t slept through the night for months, waking up at 3 a.m. and finding...
The Myth of Busyness: Why success doesn’t have to mean constant doing
Being “busy” has been a badge of honour for many years. We’re surrounded by messages that equate busyness with productivity and worth, especially as women. We often try to balance life, business, and family responsibilities: from work deadlines to family obligations,...
How to trust yourself to make good decisions
Being able to make good decisions is one of the keys to growing a successful business. But decision fatigue is real; the more decisions you have to make each day, your ability to make decisions becomes worse. We’re faced with thousands of them every day, from the...
Business planning when you don’t feel in control
How do you feel about business planning? As we work our way through the year, there are times when life can feel more manic; less controllable and too many balls in the air. Life can spin fast at times, and then there are periods of time where you feel you are...
A simpler way to become a better decision maker
The number of choices you have to make each and every day can add up to the thousands, from what clothes you put on in the morning and what you eat for lunch to which email to respond to next or what meeting to prepare for. And if you also have a family household to...
Revenue streams: how many different ways can you make 6 figures?
No, it’s not a trick question nor am I about to launch into some passive-income, work-from-the-beach way of turning on the money tap whilst lounging back on a Caribbean sundeck. It’s a serious question that all experts and service-based professionals need to answer at...
Why doesn’t motivation work?
Everyone doubts themselves at some point in their business journey. Sometimes these feelings of fear and doubt can come from nowhere; one day, you feel great about your business growth plans, and then the next, you feel overwhelmed by your ever-increasing to-do list,...
Marketing with your cycle
Have you ever considered the timings of your monthly cycle when planning your business or deciding when to launch your next programme or speak at an event? (Yes, this article is written for women, but if you're a guy with women in your team, please read on because...
The top 4 work boundaries to increase your profitability and avoid burnout
As a woman of a certain age, I’ve grown wise to the fact that two things are most precious to us: time and energy But we can often spend our whole lives giving them away without a moment’s thought. When we feel we have lots of time and energy, we can take them for...
The calibre of the others in the programme is a huge benefit. In surrounding yourself with really good people, there’s a very real collective benefit.
I had a good business with plenty of work – a freelance learning and development specialist working with organisations face-to-face to develop team effectiveness and leadership skills. I had great clients and loved what I did. But the COVID pandemic hit me hard as firms cancelled talent development and focused attention on other HR issues; it was a stressful time. Coming out of the pandemic, business picked up rapidly with my clients all wanting my input again. I was overwhelmed with requests for work and a full diary. I knew I had a choice. Either to go back to as it had been with me selling and delivering entirely face-to-face training which meant my capacity was quickly reached – or to change how I operated. I knew it was time to re-look at my business model.
Joining Momentum helped me address some of the trickier areas that I might have otherwise ignored. I was helped to spot signs of hazards long before I reach them, so I can take action. My work in Momentum has highlighted some of the gaps in knowledge of running a bigger business, with a different operating model. It was the prompt I needed to dig deeper and be able to access the data I need to make decisions. Now, just being in control of the model and the important figures makes me feel more like the sort of person who is strategic. I’ve been able to focus on the right things as CEO and leader of my business.

Elaine Gosden
CEO of Blue Gnu Consulting Ltd
The right balance of structure and emotional support for strong growth.
For a number of years my business had been a bit of a roller coaster: from high revenue, to very low months. In 2019, it began to rise again and 2020 was looking good – my business was growing and I was feeling well. Then COVID-19 kicked in, and my turnover instantly dropped by some 80%. I joined Momentum at a time I could least afford it, but I knew if my business was to survive I couldn’t do it alone. I wanted to re-build a robust business that would sustain me – in good times and bad – and do so in a different way than before.
Momentum became the scaffolding which supported me, allowing me to grow personally and express the person I’ve become as I developed my brand. I now have clear business processes, terms of service and a solid fee structure in place to support my work. For me, Momentum has struck the perfect balance between practical structure and processes, as well as emotional support needed for strong growth.

Kirsty Innes
Purpose & Brand Consultant
A big shift in my business in a relatively short space of time and a true generosity of spirit in the group.
I already had a range of packaged services, but it became apparent my fee structure failed to reflect my true value. I increased my prices significantly and, by making an offer to current clients, have been able to successfully transition them to the new pricing model.
This was important and impactful, but the biggest impact to date has been on my mindset and my confidence in what I can achieve. It’s meant that I have started to have longer and broader tech conversations with my clients which not only helps to move me to where I want to be, but also are really well received by my clients. It is what many have been wanting and waiting for!

Jason Kruger
Online Marketing Without The Trauma
Helped me to dig deep into the commercial aspects of my business, unpicking my expenditure and articulating the true value I was offering.
Karen gave me the space and encouragement to work on my vision. She has the knack of being both relaxed and focused – and know exactly when to challenge and question me. I have far greater clarity from being able to bring ideas and thoughts to the calls, and to talk through my ideas and get opinions. It’s a safe space to be part of.
I've also been given you a reason to be accountable. Momentum gives you the tools to learn more about your business and the opportunity to get alternative and external views on those challenges you might otherwise be working through on your own – and that’s invaluable.