If there is one thing that I have learnt about starting up and scaling up a business is that it is through growth that we become.
And it’s how we become that allows our growth to flow.
Now I know that may sound a little Yoda.
But having been a Dominant Do-er for most of my life and spent the first 25 or so years in business believing that I had to think and do my way to success, I have worn struggle and hard work as badges of honour. And over the past 15 years of running my own coaching and training business, I have witnessed, and worked with, many hundreds of other entrepreneurs who have been on the same path.
With more of us in our 40’s, 50’s and beyond starting up our own businesses and social enterprises more than ever before, we are struggling to keep up with the pace of life and unsustainable benchmarks for success.
We do not lack ability or ambition!
But because of factors specific to our age bracket – the Sandwich Generation (caring for both children and elderly parents), mid-life changes and menopausal/andropausal shifts – we often experience high levels of stress, hormonal imbalances and burn out whilst trying to grow our businesses.
Which also means that our society is losing out on an immense monetary and social potential that our micro-businesses can bring to our economy. Now, more than ever, we need to champion ways to help our global political and economic drivers deeply connected to our spirituality and humanity.
Because a large percentage of business growth advice and books focused on topics such as business models and the mechanics of starting up and growing a business are dominated today by digital internet marketers, there are very few practical and easy to read business books written for those entrepreneurs who have ambitions to grow a purpose-led business, but without the hustle-and-grind push to succeed or the sole focus of digital options.
As we start this brand new decade, you and I don’t need business dumbing down or being made pinker or softer. What we need is to fundamentally change the way we all – men and women of all ages – approach business growth to create a purpose-led and sustainable economy.
As many of you may know, my book, True Profit Business, was published last year. The book writing process took almost three years of researching, refining and articulating how to connect the ‘doing-ness’ of business – the mechanics, plans and processes – with the ‘being-ness’ of business – the power of energy flow and listening to intuition.
My mission was to simplify the business growth process so that entrepreneurs like you can make the money you want, but do it in a way that fuels your health and allows you to make the impact you want. So I am incredibly proud to have found out yesterday that my book has been shortlisted for best Start-up Inspiration business book in the Business Book Awards 2020.
To be recognised and have my book sit alongside a list of incredible books on topics such as leadership, sustainable change and promoting diversity is mind-blowing to me, especially as they have had a record number of books submitted this year. It gives me hope that the tide is turning and business mainstream is prepared to accept that our being-ness is not only a powerful economic force but also a critical one to work alongside our doing-ness.
The awards ceremony is in March, and I can’t wait (as well as feel ever so slightly squeaky bum about it all, too!) to attend and proudly showcase my book.
Thank you for all your support and encouragement. There are lots of people in my community who have been connected with me for many years now and the feedback and comments I get each time I write new content really does help motivate, inspire and draw me onwards and upwards. Thank you x
To see the other books shortlisted for the Business Book Awards 2020, go to https://www.businessbookawards.co.uk/shortlist-2020/
True Profit Business is available to order on all major book sites, including Amazon, Hive and Waterstones. If you do order your book on Amazon, please do leave a review as it really helps spread the word. To find out more about True Profit Business go to www.KarenSkidmore.com/book
“There are so few really practical, ballsy books like this. I love the way you set out those simple business models and give all the practicalities as well as bringing in the beingness of business. That combination is so powerful.”
Published by Practical Inspirations in September 2019 – https://practicalinspiration.com/