Small Business Mistake: Attracting anyone and everyone to your business
A popular mistake small business owners make, is the dreaded “must work with anyone and everyone” attitude.
And coaches are particularly notorious for this!
When you are in the early stages of starting up your own business and your diary is empty, it is easy to fall in to this trap. I know I did when I first started up as a Life Coach back in 2004. There I was, a newly accredited life coach believing the world was my oyster and thinking that my coaching skills could work on anyone.
And I wasn’t wrong with this assumption. Anyone who has been coached or is involved with coaching will be sure to agree. But when it comes to business and marketing, this approach is the kiss of death.
Believing that you are there to help anyone and everyone who could do with your services is just like standing on the street corner of your local high street. Every person from every walk of life could pass you by and you merrily hand out your business cards and beautifully designed leaflets to them all.
But how many people will stop and read what you have shoved in to their hands? How many will glance down and plan to read it later [but never do]? And how many will just drop in to the next litter bin that they pass on by?
If you were to do this to a thousand people, the chances are that maybe – just maybe – one person may be interested in what you have to offer. And to spend the time and money attracting that one person is frankly hard work. I know I would rather run the London Marathon wearing a ridiculous charity costume [and probably cross the finish line quicker!]
So if you are making this mistake of trying to attract anyone and everyone, save yourself months of hard work and hundreds of pounds of printing and make a decision on who exactly you want to work with. I promise you that your marketing will be far more effective and you will be attracting far more client enquires by only reaching out to a fraction of the global marketplace.