The Menopowerful Conversations

For Business Leaders Stepping Into Their Wisdom Years

Get on the list to join our upcoming women’s circles

Championing THe Menopowerful

63% of menopausal women have said that their symptoms have adversely affected their work. Symptoms can last between 4 and 8 years and often at a time of your professional career when you are stepping up and taking on more responsibility.

What if you stopped trying to fix and fight your way through menopause and discovered a new rhythm and flow to the work that you do?


The invisible effects of menopause in the workplace

From a recent study of 1,000 women over the age of 45 in the UK undertaken by Forth, they found that:

  • 63% said that their working life had been negatively affected in some way by their symptoms
  • 41% said that their poor concentration or forgetfulness has led them to make more mistakes
  • 40% admitted to losing interest in their job as a result
  • 11% forwent the opportunity for promotion because of the menopause
  • 8% believed that their symptoms played some part in them resigning their position

Menopause can pull many back as they reach a peak in their professional life, often invisibly as few like to or know how to discuss this natural transition.

At a time in your life when you maybe are stepping into senior roles in the workplace, running your own business or getting involved with campaigning or politics, the stress and strain of trying to work within the confines of a workplace designed for modern-day systems whilst on a menopause journey can adversely affect your health and emotional wellbeing.

And yet, the menopause can be a powerful time as you can discover your inner wisdom and insight to lead in ways you never thought possible.

It’s time to start talking about menopause and the impact it has on your professional life; how you can change the way you work, how your work culture can embrace a more flexible way of supporting health and emotional wellbeing for all, and how you can stop fighting your way through life and embrace your wisdom years.

It’s time to join the menopowerful conversation.

Now, more than ever.

What’s involved?

Here’s what we’ve got planned …

  • Insightful discussions on how we can redefine work and find ways of working WITH our menopause
  • Share ideas on how to open up the conversation of menopause with our family, employers and team
  • Explore what we need to do to bring the next level of women up who feel battered and bruised by the menopause and how we need to pivot how we look at our skills and economic impact as we grow older and wiser
  • Dig into how our energies shift through the transition of menopause and ask what we need to support women at this stage of their professional life

Who can join?

We welcome anyone who wants to be part of these conversations …

  • Those who are experiencing menopausal symptoms and are struggling to work effectively
  • Health and wellbeing professionals who support the menopause journey
  • Those who have transitioned through menopause and have embraced and stepped into their wisdom power

When are these conversations happening?

We are working out a schedule over the coming weeks and can’t wait to share them with you.


The Menopowerful Conversations

For Business Leaders Stepping Into Their Wisdom Years

Get on the list to join our upcoming women’s circles

About Karen Skidmore

Karen Skidmore Author

Founder & Business Catalyst

Hi, my name is Karen Skidmore. Business Books Awards finalist 2020, podcaster, and business mentor with 25+ years experience, I am CEO of True Profit Business which uniquely combines the being-ness and doing-ness of business to help scale up purpose-driven businesses.

After an 11-year career with Hays Plc, my children were approaching school age and I realised how much I wanted a more flexible and fulfilling professional career. Within 6 months of starting up, I was awarded European Social Funds for my Women’s Enterprise Programme and Simply Marketing Workshops, which was instrumental in helping hundreds of women start up their own businesses across Surrey & Sussex. I founded a regional women’s networking group in 2005, created & ran a 100+ membership site for 3 years and launched dozens of online courses and group programmes over the past 13 years.

But in 2012, struggling with adrenal fatigue and hormonal imbalances, I was burnt out from constantly launching new programmes and marketing campaigns. After spending my 20’s striving and fighting my way up the corporate ladder and my 30’s juggling and hamster wheeling my way through motherhood and work, I then found myself in my 40’s crying with exhaustion (yes, literally crying sometimes for days at a time) and pulling back away from anything that I didn’t have the energy to fight for anymore.

My 50’s … well, I’ve only just begun this decade but I believe I’m beginning to feel the power of ME and to know how to flow WITH the cycles and rhythms of life to step fully into my wisdom years. 

© Karen Skidmore Ltd | +44 (0) 1428 607745